Hello my friends! Sorry it has been so long since I have posted. My life has been a bit chaotic over the last month. Besides the girls being out of school for the summer, we have been having our kitchen remodeled the past 4 weeks! What an experience this has been..... I am certainly ready for it to be done! I think we have about another week, then we should be good to go. I tell ya, I can't wait to use a dishwasher again... washing dishes in a bathtub just ain't easy! LOL!! Anyway, I haven't been able to get much crafting done, but I did want to share the pennant I submitted for the Cricut Circle Road to CHA pennant contest. We were supposed to create a pennant that prepresented our state, country or province using the pennant from the Birthday Bash cartridge. All the paper was designed with my Cricut Imagine and I used the 50 States and Destinations cartridges for the cuts. I know there were a ton of awesome pennants submitted, so my chances of winning are quite small, but I had a good time making this, so I guess that is what really matters!! I would love to know what you think, so if you could leave me a comment, I would really really appreciate it! Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope you have a CRAFTY day!!